系统集成容器云power 9

基于Power9 的容器云平台容器来源?

基于Power9 的容器云平台容器来源是否完善,国内是否有容器源,或者制作是否复杂?显示全部

基于Power9 的容器云平台容器来源是否完善,国内是否有容器源,或者制作是否复杂?




https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/multi-arch/ https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#architectures-other-than-amd64 https://hub.docker.com/u/ppc64le/

Leverage multi-CPU architecture support

Docker images can support multiple architectures, which means that a single image may contain variants for different architectures, and sometimes for different operating systems, such as Windows.

When running an image with multi-architecture support, docker will automatically select an image variant which matches your OS and architecture.

Most of the official images on Docker Hub provide a variety of architectures. For example, the busybox image supports amd64, arm32v5, arm32v6, arm32v7, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, and s390x. When running this image on an x86_64 / amd64 machine, the x86_64 variant will be pulled and run.

Docker Desktop provides binfmt_misc multi-architecture support, which means you can run containers for different Linux architectures such as arm, mips, ppc64le, and even s390x.

This does not require any special configuration in the container itself as it uses qemu-static from the Docker for Mac VM . Because of this, you can run an ARM container, like the arm32v7 or ppc64le variants of the busybox image.

硬件生产 · 2019-10-10


擅长领域: 云计算虚拟化服务器

张军立 最近回答过的问题


  • 发布时间:2019-10-10
  • 关注会员:2 人
  • 回答浏览:1681
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