作者wukaiqiang520·2013-05-23 09:35


字数 671805阅读 16994评论 3赞 1

IMM登录提示:无效的账号密码, 正在进一步跟踪问题处理。




关键字:| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:49:19) Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault    断言:驱动器故障



另外:ibm 的800 p481hng编号的技术支持水平不是很好,imm取日志提示密码错误, 丫的也不说什么原因。开始通过usb前面板取日志, 提示read only  ,他一直说让我换介质, 说哥U盘有问题, 哥说换了另一个移动硬盘还是有问题,他说再换个U盘。   浪费时间还累人,第二天才告诉说要插后面板  下次看到这个工号, 就建议换人。



 System Overview

  Computer System
| Manufacturer                       |IBM                                                                                |
| Version                            |00                                                                                 |
| Product Name                       |IBM System x -[7945O01]                                                            |
| Serial Number                      |99V7230                                                                            |
| System UUID                        |85c2ba06-feac-11e0-9ed7-5cf3fcb7c710                                               |

  Report Highlights
| Message                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:49:19) Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                                                     |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:49:13) Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                                                            |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:49:13) Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                                                      |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:48:05) Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                                                     |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:46:32) Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                                                            |
| IPMI:(05/22/2013 06:46:32) Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                                                      |
| IPMI:(05/21/2013 10:51:27) Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                                                     |
| IPMI:(05/21/2013 10:51:21) Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                                                            |
| IPMI:(05/21/2013 10:51:21) Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                                                      |
| IPMI:(05/21/2013 10:48:35) Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                                                            |
| IPMI:(05/21/2013 10:48:35) Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                                                      |
| CHASSIS:(05/22/2013 06:49:19) The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                                                            |
| CHASSIS:(05/22/2013 06:49:13) Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                                                                                                                         |
| CHASSIS:(05/22/2013 06:48:06) The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                                                            |
| CHASSIS:(05/21/2013 10:51:27) The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                                                            |
| CHASSIS:(05/21/2013 10:51:22) Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                                                                                                                         |
| CHASSIS:(05/21/2013 10:50:42) Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                                              |
| CHASSIS:(05/21/2013 10:50:24) Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                                              |
| CHASSIS:(05/21/2013 10:50:11) Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                                              |

  Data Source
| Name                               |Dynamic System Analysis                                                            |
| Version                            |3.48.89O                                                                           |
| Build                              |preboot-ix86_64                                                                    |
| SEP Version                        |                                                                                   |


 Network Settings

  Global Settings
| Host Name                                        |Domain Name                                      |ARP Proxy Enabled                                |Routing Enabled                                  |
|                                                  |                                                 |false                                            |false                                            |

  Route Information
| DestinationAddress           |Gateway                      |DestinationMask              |Flags                        |RouteMetric                  |Ref                |Iface                        |
|                 |                      |                |U                            |0                            |0                  |usb0                         |

  Physical Network Ports
| DeviceID                               |eth0                                                                           |eth1                                                                           |
| Name                                   |eth0                                                                           |eth1                                                                           |
| Description                            |NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet                                          |NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet                                          |
| LinkTechnology                         |Ethernet                                                                       |Ethernet                                                                       |
| PermanentAddress                       |5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:10                                                              |5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:12                                                              |
| NetworkAddresses                       |5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:10                                                              |5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:12                                                              |
| IPv4Address                            |                                                                               |                                                                               |
| IPv6Address                            |fe80::5ef3:fcff:feb7:c710/64                                                   |fe80::5ef3:fcff:feb7:c712/64                                                   |
| Gateways                               |Not Available                                                                  |Not Available                                                                  |
| DNS Server Addresses                   |Not Available                                                                  |Not Available                                                                  |
| DHCP Enabled                           |true                                                                           |true                                                                           |
| DHCP Server                            |                                                                               |                                                                               |
| Speed                                  |1000 Megabits per second                                                       |1000 Megabits per second                                                       |
| ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit          |1.5 Kilobytes                                                                  |1.5 Kilobytes                                                                  |
| Network connection                     |Enabled (Up)                                                                   |Enabled (Up)                                                                   |
| Driver Loaded                          |true                                                                           |true                                                                           |
| Link Speed and Duplex                  |1Gbps/Full Duplex                                                              |1Gbps/Full Duplex                                                              |
| Packets received                       |422                                                                            |426                                                                            |
| Total received errors                  |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Dropped packets on receipt             |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Buffer overruns on receipt             |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Frame errors on receipt                |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Packets sent                           |36                                                                             |34                                                                             |
| Total transmit errors                  |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Dropped packets on transmit            |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Buffer overruns on transmit            |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Carrier errors on transmission         |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Collisions                             |0                                                                              |0                                                                              |
| Bytes received                         |51310                                                                          |52412                                                                          |
| Bytes sent                             |10308                                                                          |9616                                                                           |

| DeviceID                              |usb0                                                                          |
| Name                                  |usb0                                                                          |
| Description                           |IBM RNDIS/CDC ETHER                                                           |
| LinkTechnology                        |Ethernet                                                                      |
| PermanentAddress                      |5E:F3:FC:BD:C7:13                                                             |
| NetworkAddresses                      |5E:F3:FC:BD:C7:13                                                             |
| IPv4Address                           | ...                                                         |
| IPv6Address                           | ...                                                                          |
|                                       |fe80::5cf3:fcff:febd:c713/64                                                  |
| Gateways                              |Not Available                                                                 |
| DNS Server Addresses                  |Not Available                                                                 |
| DHCP Enabled                          |false                                                                         |
| DHCP Server                           |                                                                |
| Speed                                 |0 Bits per second                                                             |
| ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit         |1.5 Kilobytes                                                                 |
| Network connection                    |Enabled (Up)                                                                  |
| Driver Loaded                         |true                                                                          |
| Link Speed and Duplex                 |                                                                              |
| Packets received                      |8712                                                                          |
| Total received errors                 |10                                                                            |
| Dropped packets on receipt            |0                                                                             |
| Buffer overruns on receipt            |0                                                                             |
| Frame errors on receipt               |10                                                                            |
| Packets sent                          |7431                                                                          |
| Total transmit errors                 |0                                                                             |
| Dropped packets on transmit           |0                                                                             |
| Buffer overruns on transmit           |0                                                                             |
| Carrier errors on transmission        |0                                                                             |
| Collisions                            |0                                                                             |
| Bytes received                        |10439097                                                                      |
| Bytes sent                            |714237                                                                        |


 Hardware Inventory

| Name                                                       |CPU 1         |CPU 1         |CPU 1         |CPU 1         |CPU 2         |CPU 2         |
| Core                                                       |Core 1        |Core 2        |Core 3        |Core 4        |Core 1        |Core 2        |
| Manufacturer                                               |Intel(R) C... |Intel(R) C... |Intel(R) C... |Intel(R) C... |Intel(R) C... |Intel(R) C... |
|                                                            |orporation    |orporation    |orporation    |orporation    |orporation    |orporation    |
| Version                                                    |Intel(R) X... |Intel(R) X... |Intel(R) X... |Intel(R) X... |Intel(R) X... |Intel(R) X... |
|                                                            |eon(R) CPU... |eon(R) CPU... |eon(R) CPU... |eon(R) CPU... |eon(R) CPU... |eon(R) CPU... |
|                                                            |          ... |          ... |          ... |          ... |          ... |          ... |
|                                                            | E5606  @ ... | E5606  @ ... | E5606  @ ... | E5606  @ ... | E5606  @ ... | E5606  @ ... |
|                                                            |2.13GHz       |2.13GHz       |2.13GHz       |2.13GHz       |2.13GHz       |2.13GHz       |
| Stepping                                                   |x86 Family... |x86 Family... |x86 Family... |x86 Family... |x86 Family... |x86 Family... |
|                                                            | 6, Model ... | 6, Model ... | 6, Model ... | 6, Model ... | 6, Model ... | 6, Model ... |
|                                                            |12, Steppi... |12, Steppi... |12, Steppi... |12, Steppi... |12, Steppi... |12, Steppi... |
|                                                            |ng 2 (6c2)    |ng 2 (6c2)    |ng 2 (6c2)    |ng 2 (6c2)    |ng 2 (6c2)    |ng 2 (6c2)    |
| Current Clock Speed (Mhz)                                  |2130          |2130          |2130          |2130          |2130          |2130          |
| Status                                                     |CPU Enable... |CPU Enable... |CPU Enable... |CPU Enable... |CPU Enable... |CPU Enable... |
|                                                            |d             |d             |d             |d             |d             |d             |
| Hyper-threading Supported                                  |false         |false         |false         |false         |false         |false         |
| Hyper-threading Status                                     |Not Enable... |Not Enable... |Not Enable... |Not Enable... |Not Enable... |Not Enable... |
|                                                            |d             |d             |d             |d             |d             |d             |
| Level 1 Cache Operational Mode                             |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |
| Level 1 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                       |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |
| Level 2 Cache Operational Mode                             |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |
| Level 2 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                       |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |
| Level 3 Cache Operational Mode                             |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |Write Back    |
| Level 3 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                       |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |true          |

| Name                                                      |CPU 2        |CPU 2        |
| Core                                                      |Core 3       |Core 4       |
| Manufacturer                                              |Intel(R) ... |Intel(R) ... |
|                                                           |Corporati... |Corporati... |
|                                                           |on           |on           |
| Version                                                   |Intel(R) ... |Intel(R) ... |
|                                                           |Xeon(R) C... |Xeon(R) C... |
|                                                           |PU       ... |PU       ... |
|                                                           |    E5606... |    E5606... |
|                                                           |  @ 2.13G... |  @ 2.13G... |
|                                                           |Hz           |Hz           |
| Stepping                                                  |x86 Famil... |x86 Famil... |
|                                                           |y 6, Mode... |y 6, Mode... |
|                                                           |l 12, Ste... |l 12, Ste... |
|                                                           |pping 2 (... |pping 2 (... |
|                                                           |6c2)         |6c2)         |
| Current Clock Speed (Mhz)                                 |2130         |2130         |
| Status                                                    |CPU Enabl... |CPU Enabl... |
|                                                           |ed           |ed           |
| Hyper-threading Supported                                 |false        |false        |
| Hyper-threading Status                                    |Not Enabl... |Not Enabl... |
|                                                           |ed           |ed           |
| Level 1 Cache Operational Mode                            |Write Bac... |Write Bac... |
|                                                           |k            |k            |
| Level 1 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                      |true         |true         |
| Level 2 Cache Operational Mode                            |Write Bac... |Write Bac... |
|                                                           |k            |k            |
| Level 2 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                      |true         |true         |
| Level 3 Cache Operational Mode                            |Write Bac... |Write Bac... |
|                                                           |k            |k            |
| Level 3 Cache Enabled (at boot time)                      |true         |true         |

| Tag                                 |DIMM01/B... |DIMM02/B... |DIMM03/B... |DIMM04/B... |DIMM05/B... |DIMM06/B... |DIMM07/B... |DIMM08/B... |
|                                     |ANK01       |ANK02       |ANK03       |ANK04       |ANK05       |ANK06       |ANK07       |ANK08       |
| BankLabel                           |BANK01      |BANK02      |BANK03      |BANK04      |BANK05      |BANK06      |BANK07      |BANK08      |
| Capacity                            |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |4 Gigaby... |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |
|                                     |            |            |tes         |            |            |            |            |            |
| MemoryTypeA                         |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Other       |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |
|                                     |ted         |ted         |            |ted         |ted         |ted         |ted         |ted         |
| Speed (Mhz)                         |            |            |1067        |            |            |            |            |            |
| ErrorCorrectionType                 |            |            |Single-b... |            |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |it ECC      |            |            |            |            |            |
| Manufacturer                        |            |            |Samsung     |            |            |            |            |            |
| PartNumber                          |            |            |M393B527... |            |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |0CH0-YH9... |            |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
| SerialNumber                        |            |            |A0ED1623    |            |            |            |            |            |

| Tag                                 |DIMM09/B... |DIMM10/B... |DIMM11/B... |DIMM12/B... |DIMM13/B... |DIMM14/B... |DIMM15/B... |DIMM16/B... |
|                                     |ANK09       |ANK10       |ANK11       |ANK12       |ANK13       |ANK14       |ANK15       |ANK16       |
| BankLabel                           |BANK09      |BANK10      |BANK11      |BANK12      |BANK13      |BANK14      |BANK15      |BANK16      |
| Capacity                            |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |4 Gigaby... |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |0 Bytes     |
|                                     |            |            |            |tes         |            |            |            |            |
| MemoryTypeA                         |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Other       |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |Unpopula... |
|                                     |ted         |ted         |ted         |            |ted         |ted         |ted         |ted         |
| Speed (Mhz)                         |            |            |            |1067        |            |            |            |            |
| ErrorCorrectionType                 |            |            |            |Single-b... |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |            |it ECC      |            |            |            |            |
| Manufacturer                        |            |            |            |Micron      |            |            |            |            |
| PartNumber                          |            |            |            |18KSF512... |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |            |72PZ-1G4... |            |            |            |            |
|                                     |            |            |            |M1          |            |            |            |            |
| SerialNumber                        |            |            |            |1B1F8EE0    |            |            |            |            |

| Tag                                 |DIMM17/BANK17                                         |DIMM18/BANK18                                         |
| BankLabel                           |BANK17                                                |BANK18                                                |
| Capacity                            |0 Bytes                                               |0 Bytes                                               |
| MemoryTypeA                         |Unpopulated                                           |Unpopulated                                           |
| Speed (Mhz)                         |                                                      |                                                      |
| ErrorCorrectionType                 |                                                      |                                                      |
| Manufacturer                        |                                                      |                                                      |
| PartNumber                          |                                                      |                                                      |
| SerialNumber                        |                                                      |                                                      |

  Disk Information
| Name                                   |Size                                                                           |Number Of Partitions                                                           |
| /dev/sda                               |7.5 GB                                                                         |1                                                                              |

| Partition                    |Type                         |PartitionSubType             |Format                       |Size                         |Offset                       |Fault Tolerant     |
| /dev/sda1                    |Primary                      |32-bit FAT                   |32-bit FAT                   |7.1 GB                       |337920.4 KB                  |                   |

  Volumes/Mount Points
| Volume                                 |Label                                                      |File System Name                       |Free Space                   |Total Capacity               |
| /dev/sda1                              |                                                           |32-bit FAT                             |                             |                             |
| /dev/sdb1                              |                                                           |32-bit FAT                             |                             |                             |

| Model              |Description        |Manufacturer ID    |Manufacturing Date           |Statu... |State              |DPMS Active off    |DPMS Standby       |DPMS Suspend       |EDID Version       |
|                    |                   |                   |                             |s        |                   |                   |                   |                   |                   |
| LEN L2021wA        |LEN L2021wA        |LEN                |10/15/2011 06:00:00          |OK       |OK                 |true               |false              |false              |1.3                |

| HorizontalResolution    |VerticalResolution      |RefreshRate        |ScanMode                     |
| 800                     |600                     |60                 |Non-Interlaced Operation     |

  System Card Information
| Name                                   |Type                                   |Manufacturer                           |Version                                |Serial Number                          |
| 94Y7614                                |Mother Board                           |IBM                                    |(none)                                 |19R0N7                                 |

  System Devices
| Manufacturer       |Product Name                 |Device Type                  |Serial Number                |Revision           |Host Adapter ID      |Target ID            |Bus          |Lun        |
| IBM SATA           |DEVICE 81Y3657               |CD-ROM Device                |                             |IB01               |0                    |0                    |0            |0          |
| SanDisk            |Cruzer Blade                 |Direct Access Device         |                             |1.26               |7                    |0                    |0            |0          |

  USB Hub
| Description                                                                                                                                                    |NumberOfPorts                          |
| EHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |6                                      |
| EHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |6                                      |
| UHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |2                                      |
| UHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |2                                      |
| UHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |2                                      |
| UHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |2                                      |
| UHCI Host Controller                                                                                                                                           |2                                      |

  USB Devices
| VendorID                               |USBDeviceID                            |Manufacturer                           |Description                            |Speed                                  |
| 1921                                   |21863                                  |SanDisk                                |Cruzer Blade                           |High-speed USB 2.0-compliant device    |
| 6127                                   |24590                                  |Not Available                          |Lenovo Optical Mouse                   |Low-speed USB 1.1-compliant device     |
| 1203                                   |16402                                  |IBM                                    |IBM Composite Device-0                 |Full-speed USB 1.1-compliant device    |
| 1203                                   |16400                                  |IBM                                    |RNDIS/CDC ETHER                        |Full-speed USB 1.1-compliant device    |
| 16700                                  |8195                                   |Dell                                   |Dell USB Keyboard                      |Low-speed USB 1.1-compliant device     |

  Optical Device Capabilities
| DeviceID                             |DVD-RAM Read     |DVD-R Read       |DVD-ROM Read     |DVD-RAM Write    |DVD-R Write      |CD-RW Read       |CD-R Read        |CD-RW Write      |CD-R Write       |
| /dev/sr0                             |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |Yes              |

  Other Devices
| Class              |Device Name                            |Vendor Info                                    |Description                                                                                |
| Bios/uEFI          |System BIOS/uEFI                       |IBM Corp.                                      |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 3                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 3              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel 82801 PCI Bridge                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel 82801 PCI Bridge                                                                     |
| bridge             |Intel ICH10 LPC Interface Controlle... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 LPC Interface Controller                                                       |
|                    |r                                      |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 5                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 5              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 7                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 7              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 5         |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 5                                                             |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 9                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 9              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 2                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 2              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub to ESI Port                                           |
|                    |b to ESI Port                          |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 1                               |
|                    |b PCI Express Root Port 1              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| bridge             |Vitesse PCI bridge                     |pci 0x101b Vitesse Semiconductor               |Vitesse PCI bridge                                                                         |
| bridge             |Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 1         |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 1                                                             |
| cdrom              |/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-... |IBM SATA                                       |IBM SATA DEVICE 81Y3657                                                                    |
|                    |scsi-0:0:0:0 (/dev/sg0)                |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| cpu                |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU        ... |GenuineIntel                                   |6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  @ 2.13GHz                                     |
|                    |   E5606  @ 2.13GHz                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| disk               |/dev/disk/by-id/usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_... |usb 0x0781 SanDisk                             |SanDisk Cruzer Blade                                                                       |
|                    |Blade_2005334952055981947C (/dev/sg... |                                               |                                                                                           |
|                    |2)                                     |                                               |                                                                                           |
| graphics card      |Matrox VGA compatible controller       |pci 0x102b Matrox Graphics, Inc.               |Matrox VGA compatible controller                                                           |
| hub                |Linux uhci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | UHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux uhci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | UHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux uhci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | UHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux ehci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux ehci_hcd EHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | EHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux ehci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux ehci_hcd EHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | EHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux uhci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | UHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| hub                |Linux uhci_hcd... |Not Available                                  |Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host Controller                                   |
|                    | UHCI Host Controller                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| keyboard           |/dev/input/event1                      |usb 0x413c Dell                                |Dell USB Keyboard                                                                          |
| memory             |Main Memory                            |Samsung   Micron                               |Main Memory                                                                                |
| monitor            |Generic Monitor                        |Generic                                        |Generic Monitor                                                                            |
| mouse              |/dev/input/mice (/dev/input/mouse0)    |usb 0x17ef                                     |Lenovo Optical Mouse                                                                       |
| network            |eth1                                   |pci 0x14e4 Broadcom                            |Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet                                             |
| network            |eth0                                   |pci 0x14e4 Broadcom                            |Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethernet                                             |
| network            |usb0                                   |usb 0x04b3 IBM Corp.                           |IBM RNDIS/CDC ETHER                                                                        |
| network interfa... |eth1                                   |Not Available                                  |Ethernet network interface                                                                 |
| ce                 |                                       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| network interfa... |lo                                     |Not Available                                  |Loopback network interface                                                                 |
| ce                 |                                       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| network interfa... |eth0                                   |Not Available                                  |Ethernet network interface                                                                 |
| ce                 |                                       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| network interfa... |sit0                                   |Not Available                                  |Network Interface                                                                          |
| ce                 |                                       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| partition          |/dev/disk/by-id/usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_... |Not Available                                  |Partition                                                                                  |
|                    |Blade_2005334952055981947C-part1       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| partition          |/dev/disk/by-id/usb-IMM_Virtual_Flo... |Not Available                                  |Partition                                                                                  |
|                    |ppy_20070221-16-part1                  |                                               |                                                                                           |
| storage            |Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Ch... |pci 0x10df Emulex Corporation                  |Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host Adapter                                      |
|                    |annel Host Adapter                     |                                               |                                                                                           |
| storage            |LSI Logic / Symbios Logic RAID bus ... |pci 0x1000 LSI Logic / Symbios Logic           |LSI Logic / Symbios Logic RAID bus controller                                              |
|                    |controller                             |                                               |                                                                                           |
| storage            |Intel ICH10 2 port SATA IDE Control... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 2 port SATA IDE Controller                                                     |
|                    |ler                                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| storage            |Intel ICH10 4 port SATA IDE Control... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 4 port SATA IDE Controller                                                     |
|                    |ler                                    |                                               |                                                                                           |
| storage            |Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Ch... |pci 0x10df Emulex Corporation                  |Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host Adapter                                      |
|                    |annel Host Adapter                     |                                               |                                                                                           |
| system             |System                                 |Not Available                                  |System                                                                                     |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routin... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routing & Protocol Layer Registers - Port 1                   |
|                    |g & Protocol Layer Registers - Port... |                                               |                                                                                           |
|                    | 1                                     |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physic... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physical and Link Layer Registers - Port 0                    |
|                    |al and Link Layer Registers - Port ... |                                               |                                                                                           |
|                    |0                                      |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub Control Status and RAS Registers                      |
|                    |b Control Status and RAS Registers     |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physic... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physical and Link Layer Registers - Port 1                    |
|                    |al and Link Layer Registers - Port ... |                                               |                                                                                           |
|                    |1                                      |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub GPIO and Scratch Pad Registers                        |
|                    |b GPIO and Scratch Pad Registers       |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub System Management Registers                           |
|                    |b System Management Registers          |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |IBM RNDIS/CDC ETHER                    |usb 0x04b3 IBM Corp.                           |IBM RNDIS/CDC ETHER                                                                        |
| Uncategorized      |Intel Trusted Execution Technology ... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel Trusted Execution Technology Registers                                               |
|                    |Registers                              |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |/dev/ttyS0                             |Not Available                                  |16550A                                                                                     |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel ICH10 SMBus Controller           |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 SMBus Controller                                                               |
| Uncategorized      |Intel DMA Engine                       |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel DMA Engine                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |PIC                                    |Not Available                                  |PIC                                                                                        |
| Uncategorized      |Keyboard controller                    |Not Available                                  |Keyboard controller                                                                        |
| Uncategorized      |Timer                                  |Not Available                                  |Timer                                                                                      |
| Uncategorized      |PS/2 Controller                        |Not Available                                  |PS/2 Controller                                                                            |
| Uncategorized      |FPU                                    |Not Available                                  |FPU                                                                                        |
| Uncategorized      |DMA controller                         |Not Available                                  |DMA controller                                                                             |
| Uncategorized      |RTC                                    |Not Available                                  |RTC                                                                                        |
| Uncategorized      |/dev/ttyS1                             |Not Available                                  |16550A                                                                                     |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routin... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routing and Protocol Layer Registers - Port 0                 |
|                    |g and Protocol Layer Registers - Po... |                                               |                                                                                           |
|                    |rt 0                                   |                                               |                                                                                           |
| Uncategorized      |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hu... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub Throttle Registers                                    |
|                    |b Throttle Registers                   |                                               |                                                                                           |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #1     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #1                                                         |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #1    |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #1                                                        |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #5     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #5                                                         |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #3     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #3                                                         |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #4     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #4                                                         |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #2    |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #2                                                        |
| usb controller     |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #2     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation                   |Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #2                                                         |


 PCI Information

| PCI Class                              |Description                                                                    |Slot                         |Devic... |Vendo... |IRQ      |I/O A... |I/O L... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |eID      |rID      |         |ddres... |ength    |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |s        |         |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Physical and Link Layer Registers Port... |Onboard                      |13349    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        | 0 (rev 22)                                                                    |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Routing and Protocol Layer Registers P... |Onboard                      |13350    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |ort 0 (rev 22)                                                                 |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500 Physical and Link Layer Registers Port 1 (... |Onboard                      |13351    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |rev 22)                                                                        |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500 Routing & Protocol Layer Register Port 1 (... |Onboard                      |13352    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |rev 22)                                                                        |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub System Management Registers (r... |Onboard                      |13358    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |ev 22)                                                                         |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub GPIO and Scratch Pad Registers... |Onboard                      |13346    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        | (rev 22)                                                                      |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub Control Status and RAS Registe... |Onboard                      |13347    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |rs (rev 22)                                                                    |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub Throttle Registers (rev 22)       |Onboard                      |13368    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |PIC: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Trusted Execution Technology Registers... |Onboard                      |13359    |32902    |Not A... |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        | (rev 22)                                                                      |                             |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |ble      |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13360    |32902    |11       |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13361    |32902    |10       |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13362    |32902    |7        |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13363    |32902    |5        |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13353    |32902    |11       |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13354    |32902    |10       |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13355    |32902    |7        |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Base Peripheral                        |System peripheral: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 Chipset QuickData Techno... |Onboard                      |13356    |32902    |5        |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |logy Device (rev 22)                                                           |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Display                                |VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200EV                    |Onboard                      |1328     |4139     |11       |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Mass Storage                           |IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 4 port SATA IDE Con... |Onboard                      |14880    |32902    |217      |30F0-... |0010-... |
|                                        |troller #1                                                                     |                             |         |         |         |30E0     |0010     |
| Mass Storage                           |IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 2 port SATA IDE Con... |Onboard                      |14886    |32902    |106      |3108-... |0008-... |
|                                        |troller #2                                                                     |                             |         |         |         |3124-... |0004-... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |3100-... |0008-... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |3120-... |0004-... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |30D0-... |0010-... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |30C0     |0010     |
| Mass Storage                           |RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 9240 (rev 03)      |Onboard                      |115      |4096     |217      |1000     |0100     |
| Network                                |Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethe... |Onboard                      |5689     |5348     |154      |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |rnet (rev 20)                                                                  |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Network                                |Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5709 Gigabit Ethe... |Onboard                      |5689     |5348     |162      |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |rnet (rev 20)                                                                  |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controlle... |Onboard                      |14903    |32902    |138      |30A0     |0020     |
|                                        |r #4                                                                           |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controlle... |Onboard                      |14904    |32902    |146      |3080     |0020     |
|                                        |r #5                                                                           |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controll... |Onboard                      |14908    |32902    |130      |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |er #2                                                                          |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controlle... |Onboard                      |14900    |32902    |138      |3060     |0020     |
|                                        |r #1                                                                           |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controlle... |Onboard                      |14901    |32902    |146      |3040     |0020     |
|                                        |r #2                                                                           |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controlle... |Onboard                      |14902    |32902    |130      |3020     |0020     |
|                                        |r #3                                                                           |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB2 EHCI Controll... |Onboard                      |14906    |32902    |138      |Not A... |Not A... |
|                                        |er #1                                                                          |                             |         |         |         |vaila... |vaila... |
|                                        |                                                                               |                             |         |         |         |ble      |ble      |
| Serial Bus                             |SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) SMBus Controller               |Onboard                      |14896    |32902    |11       |3000     |0020     |
| Serial Bus                             |Fibre Channel: Emulex Corporation Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host Ad... |System Slot 2                |65024    |4319     |185      |2100     |0100     |
|                                        |apter (rev 02)                                                                 |                             |         |         |         |         |         |
| Serial Bus                             |Fibre Channel: Emulex Corporation Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host Ad... |System Slot 2                |65024    |4319     |114      |2000     |0100     |
|                                        |apter (rev 02)                                                                 |                             |         |         |         |         |         |

| PCI Class                    |Description                                                                                        |Slot               |Location                                         |
| Bridge                       |Host bridge: Intel Corporation 5520 I/O Hub to ESI Port (rev 22)                                   |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   0, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 22)               |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   1, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 2 (rev 22)               |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   2, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 3 (rev 22)               |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   3, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 5 (rev 22)                    |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   5, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 7 (rev 22)               |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   7, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 9 (rev 22)               |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device   9, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 1                       |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device  28, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) PCI Express Root Port 5                       |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device  28, function  4              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 90)                                            |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device  30, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801JIB (ICH10) LPC Interface Controller                            |Onboard            |PCI Bus  0, device  31, function  0              |
| Bridge                       |PCI bridge: Vitesse Semiconductor VSC452 [SuperBMC] (rev 01)                                       |Onboard            |PCI Bus  6, device   0, function  0              |

| Slot                         |Tag                          |Type                         |Lengt... |Data Width         |Hot-P... |Usage              |Status             |Voltage                      |
|                              |                             |                             |h        |                   |lug      |                   |                   |                             |
| System Slot 1                |System Slot 1                |PCI Express                  |Long     |8x or x8           |false    |Available          |OK                 |3.3V                         |
| System Slot 2                |System Slot 2                |PCI Express                  |Short    |8x or x8           |false    |In Use             |OK                 |3.3V                         |
| System Slot 3                |System Slot 3                |PCI Express                  |Long     |8x or x8           |false    |Available          |OK                 |3.3V                         |
| System Slot 4                |System Slot 4                |PCI Express                  |Short    |8x or x8           |false    |Available          |OK                 |3.3V                         |



| Name                         |Manufacturer                 |Product Name                 |Device                                 |Version            |BuildNumber        |Build Date                   |
| Broadcom Ethernet Device ... |Broadcom Corp.               |                             |Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II B... |6.2.0              |                   |                             |
| (5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:10)          |                             |                             |CM5709 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)       |                   |                   |                             |
| Broadcom Ethernet Device ... |Broadcom Corp.               |                             |Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II B... |6.2.0              |                   |                             |
| (5C:F3:FC:B7:C7:12)          |                             |                             |CM5709 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 20)       |                   |                   |                             |
| Diagnostic VPD               |                             |                             |                                       |3.48               |DSYT89O        ... |09/23/2011 00:00:00          |
|                              |                             |                             |                                       |                   |                   |                             |
| Integrated Management Mod... |IBM                          |                             |                                       |1.3.0              |YUOOC7E            |09/30/2011 03:12:03          |
| ule                          |                             |                             |                                       |                   |                   |                             |
| SCSI Device                  |IBM SATA                     |DEVICE 81Y3657               |Port:0|Target:0|Bus:0|Lun:0            |IB01               |                   |                             |
| SCSI Device                  |SanDisk                      |Cruzer Blade                 |Port:7|Target:0|Bus:0|Lun:0            |1.26               |                   |                             |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:... |Emulex                       |                             |                                       |2.82A3             |                   |                             |
| 00:c9:7a:31:dc)              |                   |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:... |Emulex                       |                             |                                       |2.82A3             |                   |                             |
| 00:c9:7a:31:dd)              |                   |
| ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA ... |                             |                             |ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller... |2.120.214-1447     |                   |                             |
|                              |(1,0)                                  |                   |                   |
| ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA ... |                             |                             |ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller... |20.10.1-0069       |                   |                             |
|                              |(1,0)                                  |                   |                   |
| ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA ... |IBM-ESXS                     |                             |Disk Drive_64_9                        |B556               |                   |                             |

| Name                                   |BuildNumber                            |Version                                |ReleaseDate                            |
| System uEFI                            |D6E154AUS                              |1.13                                   |09/23/2011 00:00:00                    |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:3... |                                       |5.03a4                                 |                                       |
| 1:dc)                                  |                                       |                                       |                                       |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:3... |                                       |5.03a4                                 |                                       |
| 1:dd)                                  |                                       |                                       |                                       |
| ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller... |                                       |4.30.00_4.12.05.00_0x05090000          |                                       |

  Diagnostic VPD
| BuildNumber                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| DSYT89O                                                                                                                                                                                                |

  Other VPD
| Name                                   |Vendor                                 |FRUNumber                              |Part Number                            |Serial Number                          |
| DASD Backplane 1                       |MOLX                                   |94Y6670                                |81Y4592                                |Y011US1A84Z6                           |
| Power Supply 1                         |ACBE                                   |39Y7229                                |39Y7228                                | K14111A81S9                           |
| Power Supply 2                         |ACBE                                   |39Y7229                                |39Y7228                                | K14111A819N                           |
| System Board                           | IBM                                   |69Y5082                                |94Y7614                                |Y010UF19R0N7                           |


 IMM Configuration

| RequestedHostname                        |IMM-5CF3FCBDC711                                                                                 |
| DNSServerAddresses                       | ...                                                                                      |
|                                          | ...                                                                                      |
|                                          |                                                                                          |
| ElementName                              |IPv4 Domain Name Server settings                                                                 |

| RequestedHostname                        |IMM-5CF3FCBDC711                                                                                 |
| DNSServerAddresses                       |0::0 ...                                                                                         |
|                                          |0::0 ...                                                                                         |
|                                          |0::0                                                                                             |
| ElementName                              |IPv6 Domain Name Server settings                                                                 |

  Static IP Address
| InstanceID                               |ethernet-v4-static                                                                               |
| IPv4Address                              |                                                                                   |
| SubnetMask                               |                                                                                    |
| GatewayIPv4Address                       |                                                                                          |

  SNMP Community
| Name                                     |Community-1                                                                                      |
| CommunityString                          |                                                                                                 |
| SystemName                               |Management Controller UUID-85C2BA06FEAC11E09ED75CF3FCB7C710                                      |

  SNMP Community
| Name                                     |Community-2                                                                                      |
| CommunityString                          |                                                                                                 |
| SystemName                               |Management Controller UUID-85C2BA06FEAC11E09ED75CF3FCB7C710                                      |

  SNMP Community
| Name                                     |Community-3                                                                                      |
| CommunityString                          |                                                                                                 |
| SystemName                               |Management Controller UUID-85C2BA06FEAC11E09ED75CF3FCB7C710                                      |



| ElementName                                      |CurrentReading                                   |BaseUnits                                        |
| Altitude                                         |520                                              |Feet                                             |
| Ambient Temp                                     |22                                               |Degrees C                                        |
| Avg Power                                        |120                                              |Watts                                            |
| Fan 1A Tach                                      |2668                                             |RPM                                              |
| Fan 1B Tach                                      |1800                                             |RPM                                              |
| Fan 2A Tach                                      |1943                                             |RPM                                              |
| Fan 2B Tach                                      |1250                                             |RPM                                              |
| Fan 3A Tach                                      |2871                                             |RPM                                              |
| Fan 3B Tach                                      |2025                                             |RPM                                              |
| Planar 3.3V                                      |3.29                                             |Volts                                            |
| Planar 5V                                        |4.9                                              |Volts                                            |
| Planar 12V                                       |12.04                                            |Volts                                            |
| Planar VBAT                                      |3.1                                              |Volts                                            |


 Drive Health

| No Supported IDE or Tape Drive found                                                                                                                         |


 LSI Controller

  Controller Information
| Model                                    |ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller                      |
| ElementName                              |ServeRAID M1015 SAS/SATA Controller(1,0)                 |
| BIOS Version                             |4.30.00_4.12.05.00_0x05090000                            |
| Firmware Version                         |2.120.214-1447                                           |
| FW Package Build version                 |20.10.1-0069                                             |

  Physical drive information
| DriveName                                |Disk Drive_64_9                                          |
| ElementName                              |Disk Slot 0 Tray 1                                       |
| OperationalStatus                        |Error                                                    |
| FRUNumber                                |42D0628                                                  |
| BlockSize                                |512 Bytes                                                |
| NumberOfBlocks                           |585937500                                                |
| Manufacturer                             |IBM-ESXS                                                 |
| Firmware Version                         |B556                                                     |


 LSI IDE Controller







  EMXCNA Product
| Name                                                                                               |IdentifyingNumber                                                                                  |
| Emulex42C2071                                                                                      |11S43W7511YK1C30C756DA                                                                             |

  EMXCNA Firmware
| Name                                                                                               |Version                                                                                            |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dc)                                                           |2.82A3                                                                                             |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dd)                                                           |2.82A3                                                                                             |

| Name                                                                                               |Version                                                                                            |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dc)                                                           |5.03a4                                                                                             |
| Emulex 42C2071 (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dd)                                                           |5.03a4                                                                                             |

  EMXCNA Driver
| Name                                                                                               |VersionString                                                                                      |
| lpfc (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dc)                                                                     |; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.b, 07-12-10                                                               |
| lpfc (10:00:00:00:c9:7a:31:dd)                                                                     |; HBAAPI(I) v2.3.b, 07-12-10                                                               |


 Brocade Adapter


 VMware ESXi


 Light Path

  LED Settings
| LED                                    |Instance                               |Current State                          |Location                               |
| Battery                                |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| BMC Heartbeat                          |1                                      |blinking                               |Planar                                 |
| BRD                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| Channel A                              |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Channel B                              |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Channel C                              |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Channel D                              |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Channel E                              |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| CNFG                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| CPU                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| CPU 1                                  |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| CPU 2                                  |2                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DASD                                   |1                                      |on                                     |Lightpath Card                         |
| DIMM                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| DIMM 1                                 |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 2                                 |2                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 3                                 |3                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 4                                 |4                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 5                                 |5                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 6                                 |6                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 7                                 |7                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 8                                 |8                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 9                                 |9                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 10                                |10                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 11                                |11                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 12                                |12                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 13                                |13                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 14                                |14                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 15                                |15                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 16                                |16                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 17                                |17                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| DIMM 18                                |18                                     |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| FAN                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| FAN 1                                  |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| FAN 2                                  |2                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| FAN 3                                  |3                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Fault                                  |1                                      |on                                     |Front Panel,Rear Panel                 |
| Identify                               |1                                      |off                                    |Front Panel,Rear Panel                 |
| Info                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Front Panel                            |
| LINK                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| LOG                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| NMI                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| OVER SPEC                              |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| PCI                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| PCI 1                                  |4                                      |off                                    |FRU                                    |
| PCI 2                                  |5                                      |off                                    |FRU                                    |
| PCI 3                                  |6                                      |off                                    |FRU                                    |
| PCI 4                                  |7                                      |off                                    |FRU                                    |
| Planar                                 |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Power                                  |1                                      |on                                     |Front Panel,Rear Panel                 |
| PS                                     |1                                      |on                                     |Lightpath Card                         |
| RAID                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| Riser 1                                |2                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| Riser 2                                |3                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| SAS ERR                                |1                                      |off                                    |FRU                                    |
| SAS MISSING                            |1                                      |off                                    |Planar                                 |
| SP                                     |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| TEMP                                   |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |
| VRM                                    |1                                      |off                                    |Lightpath Card                         |


 IMM Built-in Self Test

  IPMI BIST Results
| Description                                 |Integrated Management Module                                                                            |
| Version                                     |1.3.0                                                                                                   |
| SEL device                                  |Passed                                                                                                  |
| SDR Repository                              |Passed                                                                                                  |
| BMC FRU device                              |Passed                                                                                                  |
| IPMB signal lines                           |Passed                                                                                                  |
| SDR Repository Non-Empty                    |Passed                                                                                                  |
| Internal Use Area of BMC FRU                |Passed                                                                                                  |
| Controller update boot block firmware       |Passed                                                                                                  |
| Controller Operational Firmware             |Passed                                                                                                  |


 FoD Licence Key


 Chassis Event Log

  Chassis Event Log
| LogName                      |CreationTimeStamp                                          |MessageID          |Message                                                              |PerceivedSeveri... |
|                              |                                                           |                   |                                                                     |ty                 |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:50:11                                        |IMM0018            |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received... |Major              |
|                              |                                                           |                   |. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address           |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:50:24                                        |IMM0018            |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received... |Major              |
|                              |                                                           |                   |. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address           |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:50:42                                        |IMM0018            |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received... |Major              |
|                              |                                                           |                   |. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address           |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:09                                        |IMM0025            |LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active                          |Information        |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:10                                        |IMM0023            |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP@=192.16... |Information        |
|                              |                                                           |                   |8.70.125 ,NetMsk=, GW@=                          |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:10                                        |IMM0055            |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IPv6-LinkLocal:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP... |Information        |
|                              |                                                           |                   |@=fe80::5ef3:fcff:febd:c711, Pref=64                                 |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:21                                        |PLAT0100           |"Power Supply 1" has lost input                                      |Information        |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:22                                        |PLAT0802           |Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                     |Major              |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/21/2013 10:51:27                                        |PLAT0164           |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault        |Major              |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:42:59                                        |PLAT0106           |"Host Power" has been turned off                                     |Information        |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:48:06                                        |PLAT0164           |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault        |Major              |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:49:03                                        |IMM0025            |LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active                          |Information        |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:49:04                                        |IMM0023            |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP@=192.16... |Information        |
|                              |                                                           |                   |8.70.125 ,NetMsk=, GW@=                          |                   |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:49:13                                        |PLAT0100           |"Power Supply 1" has lost input                                      |Information        |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:49:13                                        |PLAT0802           |Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                     |Major              |
| Chassis Event Log            |05/22/2013 06:49:19                                        |PLAT0164           |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault        |Major              |


 IPMI Event

  IPMI Event
| Recor... |MessageTimestam... |Message                                                                                                      |Auxiliary Log                                              |
| dID      |p                  |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 1        |05/21/2013 10:4... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                             |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |8:35               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 2        |05/21/2013 10:4... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                       |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |8:35               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 3        |05/21/2013 10:4... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.              |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |8:41               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 4        |05/21/2013 10:5... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                             |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |1:21               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 5        |05/21/2013 10:5... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                       |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |1:21               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 6        |05/21/2013 10:5... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                      |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |1:27               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 7        |05/22/2013 06:4... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.              |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |2:36               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 8        |05/22/2013 06:4... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Unit - Host Power): Assertion: Power Off / Power Down.                  |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |2:59               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 9        |05/22/2013 06:4... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                             |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |6:32               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 10       |05/22/2013 06:4... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                       |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |6:32               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 11       |05/22/2013 06:4... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.              |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |6:38               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 12       |05/22/2013 06:4... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                      |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |8:05               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 13       |05/22/2013 06:4... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                             |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |9:13               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 14       |05/22/2013 06:4... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                       |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |9:13               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 15       |05/22/2013 06:4... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                      |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |9:19               |                                                                                                             |                                                           |
| 16       |05/22/2013 06:4... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Secondary processor(s)... |No Extended Data                                           |
|          |9:53               | initialization.                                                                                             |                                                           |


 Merged Log

  Merged Log
| MessageTimestamp             |LogName      |Message                                                                                                                                    |
| 05/21/2013 10:48:35          |IPMILogEn... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                           |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:48:35          |IPMILogEn... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                     |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:48:41          |IPMILogEn... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.                                            |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:50:11          |Chassis E... |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:50:24          |Chassis E... |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:50:42          |Chassis E... |Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address                |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:09          |Chassis E... |LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active                                                                                                |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:10          |Chassis E... |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=                               |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:10          |Chassis E... |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IPv6-LinkLocal:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP@=fe80::5ef3:fcff:febd:c711, Pref=64                                      |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:21          |Chassis E... |"Power Supply 1" has lost input                                                                                                            |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:21          |IPMILogEn... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                           |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:21          |IPMILogEn... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                     |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:22          |Chassis E... |Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                                                                                           |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:27          |Chassis E... |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                              |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/21/2013 10:51:27          |IPMILogEn... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                    |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:42:36          |IPMILogEn... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.                                            |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:42:59          |Chassis E... |"Host Power" has been turned off                                                                                                           |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:42:59          |IPMILogEn... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Unit - Host Power): Assertion: Power Off / Power Down.                                                |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:46:32          |IPMILogEn... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                     |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:46:32          |IPMILogEn... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                           |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:46:38          |IPMILogEn... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Unspecified.                                            |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:48:05          |IPMILogEn... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                    |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:48:06          |Chassis E... |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                              |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:03          |Chassis E... |LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active                                                                                                |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:04          |Chassis E... |ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-5CF3FCBDC711, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=                               |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:13          |Chassis E... |"Power Supply 1" has lost input                                                                                                            |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:13          |Chassis E... |Redundancy Lost for "Power Group 1" has asserted                                                                                           |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:13          |IPMILogEn... |Power supply 1 (Power Supply - Power Supply 1): Assertion: Power Supply AC lost.                                                           |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:13          |IPMILogEn... |Power unit / power domain 129 (Power Supply - Power Unit): Assertion: Redundancy Lost.                                                     |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:19          |Chassis E... |The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault                                                                              |
|                              |vent Log     |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:19          |IPMILogEn... |Disk or disk bay 0 (Drive Slot (Bay) - Drive 0): Assertion: Drive Fault                                                                    |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 06:49:53          |IPMILogEn... |BIOS 1 (System Firmware Progress - Progress): Assertion: System Firmware Progress: Secondary processor(s) initialization.                  |
|                              |try          |                                                                                                                                           |
| 05/22/2013 15:02:46          |Memory Di... |201-899-000 Memory Diagnostics Test: Skipped                                                                                               |
|                              |agnostics... |                                                                                                                                           |
|                              | Test Log    |                                                                                                                                           |


 Merged Devices

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| System BIOS/uEFI                                 |IBM Corp.                              |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Intel 82801 PCI Bridge                           |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 LPC Interface Controller             |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 1                   |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 PCI Express Port 5                   |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 1                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 2                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 3                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 5                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 7                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub PCI Expr... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ess Root Port 9                                  |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub to ESI P... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ort                                              |                                       |
| Vitesse PCI bridge                               |pci 0x101b Vitesse Semiconductor       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0... |IBM SATA                               |
| :0 (/dev/sg0)                                    |                                       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |
| 6.44.2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5606  ... |GenuineIntel                           |
| @ 2.13GHz                                        |                                       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/disk/by-id/usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Blade_2005... |usb 0x0781 SanDisk                     |
| 334952055981947C (/dev/sg2)                      |                                       |

  Graphics card
| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Matrox VGA compatible controller                 |pci 0x102b Matrox Graphics, Inc.       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Linux ehci_hcd EHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux ehci_hcd EHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |
| Linux uhci_hcd UHCI Host... |Not Available                          |
|  Controller                                      |                                       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/input/event1                                |usb 0x413c Dell                        |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Main Memory                                      |Samsung   Micron                       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Generic Monitor                                  |Generic                                |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/input/mice (/dev/input/mouse0)              |usb 0x17ef                             |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| eth0                                             |pci 0x14e4 Broadcom                    |
| eth1                                             |pci 0x14e4 Broadcom                    |
| usb0                                             |usb 0x04b3 IBM Corp.                   |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/disk/by-id/usb-IMM_Virtual_Floppy_200702... |Not Available                          |
| 21-16-part1                                      |                                       |
| /dev/disk/by-id/usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_Blade_2005... |Not Available                          |
| 334952055981947C-part1                           |                                       |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host... |pci 0x10df Emulex Corporation          |
|  Adapter                                         |                                       |
| Emulex Zephyr-X LightPulse Fibre Channel Host... |pci 0x10df Emulex Corporation          |
|  Adapter                                         |                                       |
| Intel ICH10 2 port SATA IDE Controller           |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 4 port SATA IDE Controller           |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| LSI Logic / Symbios Logic RAID bus controller    |pci 0x1000 LSI Logic / Symbios Logi... |
|                                                  |c                                      |

| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| /dev/ttyS0                                       |Not Available                          |
| /dev/ttyS1                                       |Not Available                          |
| DMA controller                                   |Not Available                          |
| FPU                                              |Not Available                          |
| IBM RNDIS/CDC ETHER                              |usb 0x04b3 IBM Corp.                   |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel DMA Engine                                 |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 SMBus Controller                     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub Control ... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Status and RAS Registers                         |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub GPIO and... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
|  Scratch Pad Registers                           |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub System M... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| anagement Registers                              |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Architecture I/O Hub Throttle... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
|  Registers                                       |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physical and Lin... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| k Layer Registers - Port 0                       |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Interconnect Physical and Lin... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| k Layer Registers - Port 1                       |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routing & Protoc... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ol Layer Registers - Port 1                      |                                       |
| Intel QuickPath Interconnect Routing and Prot... |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| ocol Layer Registers - Port 0                    |                                       |
| Intel Trusted Execution Technology Registers     |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Keyboard controller                              |Not Available                          |
| PIC                                              |Not Available                          |
| PS/2 Controller                                  |Not Available                          |
| RTC                                              |Not Available                          |
| Timer                                            |Not Available                          |

  Usb controller
| Device Name                                      |Vendor Info                            |
| Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #1              |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB2 EHCI Controller #2              |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #1               |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #2               |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #3               |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #4               |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |
| Intel ICH10 USB UHCI Controller #5               |pci 0x8086 Intel Corporation           |




 File Loader Results


 Diagnostics Log

  Memory Diagnostics Log
| MessageTimestamp                       |Type                         |Message                                                                                                                          |
| 05/22/2013 15:02:46                    |Abort                        |201-899-000 Memory Diagnostics Test: Skipped                                                                                     |


 DSA Error Log




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2018-03-23 15:34
欢迎大家测试,直接百度搜索下载即可使用,有其他需求,或者问题的可联系在线客服! 简单易用,直接下一步就安装完成。 **新的运维概念,大家都可以去免费使用!** TopMaaS(顶云运维)主要专注于对X86服务器、存储、磁带库、网络设备、UPS、精密空调、打印机、复印机、投影仪、大屏幕显示屏等硬件设备的物理状态实时监测管理。如:监测X86服务器的处理器、内存、RAID卡、硬盘、网卡、风扇、电源等每个部件的工作状态;监测存储设备的端口、硬盘、Cache模块、电池、电源等部件工作状态;监测打印机、复印件是否缺墨、缺纸;监测投影仪灯泡剩余使用时间等。
2013-09-25 14:47
| DASD                                   |1                                      |on                                     |Lightpath Card
2013-06-11 09:39
Ctrl+Enter 发表




